Club Magazine

Scroll down to select the latest and previous magazines

Our monthly club magazines are prepared and produced by our magazine editor, Laurie Houghton and his contact details are:

Phone: 8356 9953

Submissions for the magazine close on the 10th day of each month, for inclusion in the next issue. Photos should include owner of the photos name and address as well as details of subjects.

Classified Advertisements can be submitted as for articles or phoned through if they are short. Classifieds are free for members. Non-members fee is $20.00 per advertisement per issue.

Adverts are normally only valid for one issue. It’s your responsibility to notify the editor if you wish to repeat your advertisement in subsequent issues.

Note to sellers:
Cars for sale must have the registration number or engine number.

Note to Contributors:
Articles, etc submitted by email should be attached as a “Word” document, Arial 10, Justified, NOT formatted or tabbed. Photos should be attachments to emails, not embedded in the body of the email or reduced in file size i.e. Low Resolution and please avoid sending pdf files.

Tips on reading, printing & downloading the Magazine

Given that you now have the choice to not receive hard copies of the Club Magazine, I thought it appropriate to provide some tips to highlight the user friendly tools available when reading the magazine on-line or to download it. Click on the link below for the information document I’ve prepared. It’s worth noting that by keeping it to one page, I’ve not included a couple of tips relating to Zooming and Panning. Once you’ve opened the magazine, to zoom in or out simply roll your mouse wheel forward or back. To move the magazine on the screen hold the left mouse button down and drag the page. I haven’t got a touch screen but I suspect it will there as well. Information Sheet  If you have questions, send me an email – John Kemp, Webmaster


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JULY 2024

APRIL 2024

MAY 2024


MARCH 2024

2023 Magazines






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JULY 2023
april 2023
MAY 2023
January / February 2023
MARCH 2023

2022 magazines

December 2022
October 2022
August 2022
June 2022
April 2022
January / February 2022
November 2022
September 2022
July 2022
May 2022
March 2022

2021 magazines

December 2021
October 2021
August 2021
June 2021
April 2021
January / February 2021
November 2021
September 20221
July 2021
May 2021
March 2021