Feb 11th MGM 7.30pm at the Clubrooms. Note new meeting start times for 2025. (7.30pm) Reports from events and registers will be heard and there will be an open forum/general […]

Midweek Lunch Run

Organiser: Peter Micklem Ph: 0411 238 514 Details to follow

Pre War & T Register Meeting

7.30pm – 10.30pm, Meeting at Bob Bazzica’s, Northern Avenue, West Beach. Contact Arthur Ruediger for more details


Mar 11th AGM / MGM 7.30pm at the clubrooms. The AGM will follow the MGM which includes the election of the committee members, presenting annual awards and much more. All […]

Midweek Lunch Run

Organiser: Mike Greenwood Ph: 0412 701 850 Details to follow