Our hectic year of events and activities to commemorate MG’s Centenary has drawn to a close, so it’s timely to look back over what’s been done.
Firstly, thanks to the Centenary Committee chaired by Alan Cardnell and comprising Berry Treffers, Karen Stephenson, Lynden Burns (and me) with input as needed from Sandra Cardnell, Arthur Ruediger, Dick Manning and John Kemp.
The achievements included . . .
I think it’s a pretty safe bet that not many Clubs anywhere in the world celebrated the Centenary in a bigger way – and my thanks to all those who took part and supported these initiatives in any way.
Many of the above activities have already been reported on, but I want to give an update on the most recent ones.
We had about 70 cars on display in the centre of Oval One at the All British Day at Echunga this year, with our cars featured on the front cover of the official Programme and an article about the marque and the Club inside. I’d call it a great success – good weather, the cars all looked great, a lot of public interest, and we even picked up a couple of new members. Again, thanks to all those who worked on our display and those who entered their vehicles. The All British Day organising committee were very pleased with every aspect of our participation and we certainly showcased the very best that MG has to offer.
A fortnight later we were the featured marque again, this time at the British Classics Tour with a run from Port Noarlunga to Victor Harbor along with other classic British brands, and a big display on the foreshore at Warland Reserve. This event is traditionally staged by the Historic Motor Vehicles Club but this year we ran it jointly as a HMVC-MGCC event to fit it in our Centenary Calendar. A good half of the cars at Warland Reserve were MGs and the HMVC were over the moon with the degree of support our Club and its members gave to the event. We had a team on the organising committee and taking on various roles on the day – thanks to you all. Again, the weather was perfect and I’m sure everyone who took part had a great time.
Thanks again to everyone who contributed in any way to this memorable year to be remembered!
Stephen Marlow