We will list any items here, apart from vehicles offered for sale by club members. Listings will expire after 2 months unless the vendor advises the Webmaster the item or items have been sold, withdrawn from the market or are still for sale. Click images for enlargement.
MGB Roll Bar
MGB roll bar, in good condition, with all fixtures. This is $799.99 US Dollars on the Moss Motors online catalogue – PLUS freight – which would probably make it close to $2,000 Australian. Do yourself a favour, pick up a real bargain for just $350 – looks good and will do the same job. Pick up from Parkside or I can bring it along to a Club meeting. If you ask me nicely I’ll deliver within the Adelaide Metro area.
Phone: Stephen Marlow 0409 600 557
MG Books For Sale
Maintaining the Breed by John Thornley 1956 hard cover edition. Condition fair to good. The MG Companion by Kenneth Ullyett 1960 hard cover edition in very good condition. Would like to sell as a set if possible.
Price: $75.00
Contact: Chris Middleton 0412 131 913 chris.middleton@imaginghouse.com.au
MG Steering Wheels & Books
The proceeds from the sales will go to a worthwhile local charity. The 13 inch (33Cms) steering wheel come with bosses ready to put on, each at $250.00, pick up only, any of the books various but $10 to $20 plus postage.
Contact: Mike Greenwood
Ph: 0412 701 850
email: mikeg@adam.com.au
Wanted – TCs Forever by Mike Sherrell
Please advise cost and postage etc.
Contact: Mike Greenwood
Ph: 0412 701 850
email: mikeg@adam.com.au
The MGC engine was fully rebuilt several years ago – full details available.
Price: $6,000
MGB 3 bearing engine 1800cc, unrestored but was apparently going when taken from the car.
Price: $2,400.00
Contact: Mike Greenwood 0412 701 850
MGB 18V 672 short motor (5 bearing), suit MK2 & Rubber Nose. Complete rebuild in 2022.
Reground crank -30 thou new bearings mains & conrods, balanced & ground crank, balanced con rods & pistons, new gudgeon pins, new piston & rings +20 thou, bores honed only, new pushrods & tappets, std camshaft easily replaced with warmer cam.