Club Library

Our current club librarian is Stephen Marlow. His contact details are as follows:

Mobile: 0409 600 557





The library is a great resource of the club, with more than 400 books plus magazines, journals, DVDs and videos – all related in one way or another to cars with an obvious emphasis on MGs. These are available for members to borrow at no charge, with a nominal borrowing period of 4-6 weeks. There are also general interest books on the history of cars and racing and many volumes of how-to advice. These are all listed in the catalogues available below. There are two versions, one by title, one by author, for easy reference.

A major acquisition to the library was the definitive biography of Cecil Kimber, founder and driving force of MG’s success in motorsport and record breaking in the 1930s. Click Here for a review of the book by Stephen Marlow. 

Many members donate books to the library and this is always welcome, but before donating please check the catalogue to ensure we don’t already have a copy. If you hear of a book you’d like to see added to the collection please let me know so I can get the process underway.

However, in this digital age it seems demand for ‘physical’ books from the library is on the wane . . . I could just about count on one hand the number of transactions so far this year. Please remember that this is your library and it’s a source not just of workshop manuals and parts lists (some of which are hard to find online) but also fascinating accounts of early cars of many marques and the colourful people who make up motoring history. Well worth a browse.

And on the subject of workshop manuals, thanks to Murray Lewis for his donation of three books for our collection – two copies of ‘MGA Special Tuning’ and a copy of ‘Special Tuning for MG Midget Engines’ – neither of which we previously held. I’m sure they will both find appreciative readers.

Drop in and browse sometime!

Happy Reading.


Catalogue by Title

Catalogue by Author