MGF & Modern MGs

MGF & Modern MGs

Haydn Reynolds – Register Secretary

Contact details: 0418 802 410 or

Next Event: April 13th – ‘April Fools Run’

Not Quite British Enough Run
This was the second annual running of an NQBE event. The original intention was to showcase Members’ vehicles that could not take part in the upcoming All British Day at Echunga, including Modern MGs and non-UK sports cars. Read full report here.

MGF & Modern MGs ‘Hoods Up’ Run Report
The Run was named in recognition of the fact that statistically the second week in August has an extremely high probability of rain. It rained for two days prior to the Run* and for several days afterwards. However, the day of the Run was dry and mild!! So, no ‘truth in advertising’ in this instance. (* On inspecting the route on the day before the Run, visibility along sections of Wickams Hill Road was down to 30 metres!) To read or download the full report Click Here

Remaining Events for 2024
Due to the dates of other events being changes, the events below have been cancelled.
September 22 – Mallala Track Tour
November 3 – What the Fawkes Run
For further information contact the Register Secretary

MGF & TF Engine Swaps – Mild or Wild on 10th May 2024

The Technical Evening on the potential for using recent SAIC MG6 engines as replacements for MG-Rover k-series ‘engines-in-distress’ was a great success. Two versions of such a substitution were discussed (and exhibited) being a “Mild” non-turbo example and a “Wild” version, being the enhanced turbo installation in Dick Manning’s current race-car project, both being the results of Dick’s initiative and efforts.  For the complete report Click Here

MGF & Modern MGs: April Fools/Very Late Summer Run 21 April 2024

The Run was named as it was because it was on the 21st not the 1st and held in Autumn! Commencing at the Gully Hotel, the route took just on 100km of traffic-light free roads, via the Murray Flood Plain, to end up at the Charleston Hotel for lunch. The weather was perfect, road conditions were great and there was an almost complete absence of cyclists. What more could be asked for?

Click Here for the full run report

Report: The MGF & Modern MGs NQABE* Run on Sunday February 11th 2024

MGF & Modern MGs: Not Quite All British Enough (NQABE) Run 11/02/2024
(Words Haydn Reynolds, Pictures David McNabb – except the obvious one!)
The reasoning (excuse) behind the Run was to provide an alternate event for Member’s vehicles that could not attend the (at the time of writing) upcoming All British Day (ABD). While most of the cars that took part were, in fact, eligible to attend ABD, their participation was seen as solidarity with those that could not.
In establishing the course for the NQABE, attention was given to both the “British” and the “Not Quite” aspects. Now, the quintessential British Car Run, has to be the London to Brighton Rally. And it should be noted that it is to the seaside, not some nice sporting ground in the Cotswold Hills. To keep in character, the NQABE Run commenced in London Road (Mile End, so not quite London) and travelled 75km via Balhannah to Seacliff (so, not quite Brighton). Full Report

*(Not Quite All British Enough – to reflect that newer MGs can’t attend All British Day!!)

MGF & Moderns MGs Centenary Run to Lobethal for Lunch

Run Report and Photos

The MGF/Modern MGs group is dedicated to those who own drive MGs of the ‘modern’ era (MGs after 1995).

Models includes the MG-Rover era models (F, TF, ZR, ZS, ZT) and modern (MG3, MG6, GS, HS, & ZS), and will be open to the forthcoming MG4 and MG-C models.

The “F” Register was formed by Tony Hick who was a long-time member of MGCC of SA. Tony bought a new MGF when they were released in 1997.

The Tony Hick Trophy was introduced in his memory to be presented each year for attendance to meetings and some selected events.

MGF & MODERN MGs – points system for awarding The Tony Hick Trophy (Jan 2019)

Point given for attending monthly meeting in a register vehicle.
Point given for attending a register meeting in a register vehicle.
Point given for attending a register run in a register vehicle.
In the event of tied scores all winners will be recognised.

Recent Register Reports:

MGF & Modern MGs Go Round The Bend 25/06/23

Breakfast Run to Macclesfield 30th April 2023

Previous Reports