Club Patron Professor Peter Cundy gave an excellent presentation ”Living The Dream”, describing his racing adventures at racetracks where he competed in the UK like Donington, Silverstone and Goodwood, and Netherlands (Zandvoort)
A fabulous Friday night at the Clubrooms on Nov 29, with some great action and still shots, as well as some screen grabs from the presentation he showed on-screen.
This event at the Clubrooms was extremely well patronised, with a magnificent supper afterwards.
Club Vice-President Steve Bowra was MC, and began by interviewing Dr Cundy who then regaled us with great tales of his trackside exploits, and the many MG racing identities and characters he encountered on his travels. Seems Peter has made good friends with the nice network of PreWar MG racers in UK, who really run hard and play for keeps.
Peter ran a couple of different superchargers on his MG while in Britain. Fortunately the car performed faultlessly in its rather busy campaign. Peter became renowned in those MG circles for the fact that the “Colonial from Down Under” usually drove his racecar to the racetracks, whereas the locals all trailered.
The MG NA has been left in secure storage in UK for now, as Peter intends returning next year “for another go”!
David McNabb