The monthly “Breakfast Runs” have proven to be a popular club activity over the years, and newcomers are always welcome.
The runs are held on the last Sunday of each month, except for December. A list of proposed venues for the year is available under the “What’s-On” link on the Website. The MGCCSA MG Motoring Magazine will also list upcoming breakfast runs.
The runs start at Veale Gardens* in the City, mustering there for a short briefing and departure at 9am.
From there it’s a pleasant drive, on hopefully some interesting roads, to breakfast at a park or reserve either at an Adelaide suburb or more often than not at an SA township. The drives are usually in the order of one and a half hours.
At the breakfast venue, it’s a bring your own everything, i.e. tables, chairs and food. Invariably however the venues do have tables and often a sheltered BBQ facility, as well as toilet facilities.
After socialising over the breakfast with old friends or making new ones, there is a good opportunity to spend time exploring what the area has to offer before the drive home, so making a day of it.
Details of the latest proposed run can be downloaded from the link to this page entitled “Run Details”, as can archived previous runs if you ever wish to do a private drive.
The run sheets are simple to follow as this is not a navigational exercise, and each is accompanied by a simple orientation map outlining the route.
A report and photographs from the run will be published and archived, under the link to this page entitled “Reports”, as well as appearing in the MG Motoring Magazine.
The Breakfast Run organisers are:
Steve Spong
Mobile: 0417 817 101
Email: barbandsteve22@iprimus.com.au
John Roach
Mobile: 0430 400 181
Email: jjroach68@gmail.com
Either can be contacted with queries over this social event.
Note: *Veale Gardens is located on the south side of South Terrace, the park entry being some 100 metres to the west of Peacock Road