President's reports


There’s so much happening in the Club at the moment and in the leadup to the end of the year . . . I can’t believe I’m saying ‘end of the year’ already – time flies when you’re having fun.

And speaking of fun – how good was the inaugural Ladies’ Day at Mallala on August 11th??? Nearly 30 entrants lined up for this showcase event and the star of the show was undoubtedly Joy Pearson, our 99-year-old veteran of sprints, hillclimbs and motorkhana’s, chauffeured around the track in her red MGB by grand-daughter Cara. This resulted in a really good story in the Advertiser the following day – with a great colour photo of Joy and a very positive story by Tara Miko.

I’ve written a full report on this elsewhere in this magazine/on the website. Many thanks to Lynden Burns for coming up with idea for this and leading the organisation, Motorsport Secretary Steve Bowra for driving the pace car and Dick Manning and his team for the BBQ. Let’s make this an annual event.

The October 8th MGM will be starting half an hour early – at 7.30pm – as we have two guest speakers and display vehicles from the Australian Electric Vehicle Association (AEVA) covering all aspects of EVs . . .

• Sally Knight, SA Branch Chair, AEVA, ‘Past, present and future of EVs’
• Mike Polljonker, AEVA Board Member, Hillclimb and Sprint Car Driver. ‘EVs and motorsport’. Plus – display cars:
• Mike’s MG4 XPower
• Eric Rodda’s EV conversion
• Hopefully – MG Cyberster subject to availability.

I know not everyone’s an EV convert but I’m assured Sally and Mike will have a lot of things to say of interest. Mike’s long involvement in motorsport will be of particular interest and Eric Rodda has a very interesting EV conversion he can talk about. There will be supper after the talks (thanks Sandra).
Later in October we’ll be having a Saturday Sale in the clubrooms – I’ve already got boxes of books, magazines, caps etc. to get the ball rolling and I encourage you to bring along all those items that have been lying around in the back of the garage, shed or cupboard that you really DON’T need. All proceeds to Club general revenue – date to be set but it will be in the magazine, website and club notice board.

On Saturday October 12th there will be a ‘Bring and Buy’ in the clubrooms from 10.00am to 12 noon. Sue McFarlane – widow of David – has donated books, magazines, caps etc. from her late husband’s collection which will form the starting point for this. Please go through the back of the shed and garage and see what you’d like to bring along to sell too . . . and come along to look for bargains.

Something completely different . . . club member Lisa Dallow (red MGB) is a survivor of the White Island volcanic eruption in Antarctica nearly five years ago in which 22 people died. Lisa has a fabulous, bubbly personality and has agreed to be a guest speaker in conversation with me at the November 12th MGM. Lisa’s MGB will be the display car that night and she will talk through the adjustments that have been made to it for her to drive it. Look out for more details online/in the magazine.

We now have a date locked in for Peter Cundy’s motorsport night, when he’ll detail his derring-do around the racetracks of the UK, with photos and videos, in a special night hosted by Motorsport Secretary Steve Bowra on Friday November 22nd. Put the date in the diary – this will be a big one. Supper that night too.

The December MGM moves from the clubrooms to Lobethal to take in the Christmas Lights on Tuesday December 10th. Details to come but put it in the diary.
And there will also be a Christmas event in the Clubrooms.
Next year’s NatMeet is in Albury-Wodonga and please contact Sandra Cardnell or Leigh Albertson if you’d like to attend.

Then in 2026 the NatMeet returns to Adelaide, with weekday dates of Monday 27th April to Friday 1st May – moving away from the traditional Easter. A Committee has been formed under the leadership of Tim Edmonds, plans are underway, and all national clubs have been informed. Details will be coming your way in coming months.

I wrote last week that the Club’s 70th birthday will be on Friday April 10th, 2026. Bev has pointed out to me that this is not the 70th birthday, it’s the 70th anniversary of the first meeting. We have our first birthday one year after we’re born, not on the day we’re born. . . I’m NOT going to go down the rabbithole of when we should have celebrated the millennium!!! But thanks Bev – I don’t know where we’d be without your attention to detail.

We’re still looking for a sponsorship officer for the magazine and the NatMeet; and a volunteer to be Club Historian. Please get in touch with ne if you’re interested – these are very important roles.
That’s all for this month – stay warm and drive safely.

Stephen Marlow

PS – I knew there was something else! I’ve bought an MGB, and working on having it looking good for when the sun comes out . . .